Press enquiries to Grenville Jones on 07778 282934.
Monday, January 30, 2023
Members of the Friday Devizes Good Afternoon Choir last Friday (January 27) celebrated raising over £2000 for the Julia’s House Children’s Hospice last year with their fundraising concerts.
Our picture shows Claudia Hickin from the Hospice where she thanked the choir for choosing them and their ‘wonderful support which would help to support local families’.
The Devizes community Good Afternoon Choir has over 70 members who meet every Friday at St Andrews Church in Long Street from 2pm-4pm. Their conductor is Grenville Jones who started the no audition Devizes Good Afternoon Choir 11 years ago. Everyone is welcome to go along and meet Grenville and the choir on a Friday afternoon.
There are now 25 afternoon choirs from Gloucester to Cornwall including Chippenham/Calne and Warminster/Westbury. Over a 1000 people enjoy Singing in the Afternoon!
The Devizes members have chosen the Sidmouth Street Alzheimer’s Club to benefit from their 2023 fundraising events.